In the last 10 days I've had the following meetings:
Fri- the SIM France Director and Personnel Manager came to visit us in our 'natural surroundings'! We shared our frustrations and our sense of loneliness in this country ministry. Pascal had written his Moral Report for the church's Annual General Meeting so we had concrete things to discuss.
We aren't alone, but at present that's how we feel.
That evening I attended the launch of the next issue of a new magazine created by a dynamic group of women here in Lamastre. A great collegial effort, creative, united, respectful of each other's differences and qualities, encouraging, beautiful, wise. They had 2 guys there to slam taking words provided by the audience. It happened to be the International Women's Day. That's the sort of dynamic I'd love to see in our church. We are so far from that, although there are aspects which could lead to that if people would only let it happen.
Sunday afternoon, the church AGM. Just reports, but some discussion on the financial situation. We really need to see the sale of the former chapel and manse at the other village. Unfortunately, there wasn't much opportunity to discuss why we are not reaching other people outside of the church. No volunteers either for the Synod. One very significant confirmation this week of the people's lack of vision or understanding of what is church: Pascal asked them why they thought they were elected on to the Church Council and what a council's job was. No one had a real answer. The main one being: because someone has to do the daily admin business of church. Basically like it was a club.
Monday - a young couple and a new convert for lunch.
Tuesday - a day-long meeting at Valence with our Regional pastors. One pastor forced to end his ministry for lack of compatibility. I arrived at that meeting in tears - the aftershock of the AGM and all the scenarios going through my mind. I guess it was my pastoral crisis time. The good news is that there are great things happening in other churches, mainly bigger cities. Unfortunately, we also learned that someone from 10 km away from us had applied to the Valence church for membership! That's the drawing power of a big dynamic church.
Wednes - my RDV with my counsellor. More tears.
- afternoon with G and C who helped me prepare for the next church service - a little theatrical presentation of 2 Samuel 12 and Luc 19: 1-10
- that evening the AGM of Femmes 2000 south-east held in Montélimar. A positive time of reviewing the year's activities and updating on future projects which are looking good, including Hope For Europe congress for Women in Leadership the first week of April.
Thurs - I drive back from Montélimar in time to quickly prepare my ladies' group for the afternoon, which should have been followed by the first Spring term after-school English class. No-one turned up (I found out they had forgotten, but are definitely interested) so will turn up in 10 days for the next date.
Fri - went to wisit someone in the country whom I'm counselling.
- big rest the afternoon, then housework, emails, and tried to get my head around the rest of my preparation for leading Sunday's church service. Pascal leaves for Lyon and his other church with its AGM
Sat - shopping, finish planning service with M and C's help. Youth group that evening, but my colleague is leading it, so I go to the Catholic church for a jazz concert! All alone! Bliss - sense of freedom and the music was a call back to life and joy, even with a gospel song!
Sun - lead the service, incorporating several changes - still very aware of appealing to the teens who are grumbling away and whom we risk losing. Very grateful to all those whom I enrolled to help - went well and felt God had been very much part of the whole process.
- slept the afternoon away with a quite a bit of telly!
Mon - this morning spent in a follow-up meeting for the World Day of Prayer. Globally very positive and a special bonus in being an ecumenical group of women. We have our differences, but we work well together.
So yes, busy. My questions are always: is this leading somewhere positive? Is it part of building up God's Kingdom? Do I really need to be part of this? How is God leading?