
About me

God's ways are mysterious, but I must say that since my commitment to follow Jesus Christ in 1985 life with God has been one big adventure.

While teaching in a small town in Western Victoria in Australia I felt called to look into mission, to understand what it meant and if it was still relevant on the 20th Century. In 1989/90 I went to Niamey, the capital of Niger in French West Africa, for a Short Term Service as a French teacher at Sahel Academy, a school for missionary kids.

This was a life changing experience, because I realised two things: I really wanted to study the Bible full time and I needed to improve my French!

Solution: do a 3 year Theology Diploma in an Evangelical French College in the Paris region. The Lord led the way and not only did I realise how much Christian workers were needed in France but the Lord organised for me to stay in France permanently - yes! I met my French husband Pascal, at Bible College. Together we have three wonderful children. Pascal is now pastor in a French Evangelical Church Union and I am a supported missionary working alongside him.