
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Spiders and liberty!

The French spider population is harmless and of a bearable size .... in general! Spiders are one thing I really don't miss from Australia. My ability to get close enough to a spider to kill it (still can't bear the thought of capturing it and putting it outside - it's the movement which gives me the shivers!) only developped along with my maternal instinct when my desire to protect my children became stronger than my aversion to spiders.

So imagine how grateful and proud I was to discover that no. 2 son (16 years old) had dealt with an uncommonly enormous spider just over our front door before his sister and I were due to go out cycling. He didn't even tell me it was there: he went down to check the tyres of the bikes, saw the beast and killed it right then and there! He even got rid of the body!

Wow! You know what my strongest feeling was after pride? FREEDOM! I had this amazing sense of FREEDOM! I no longer had to take on full responsibility for the well-being of my kids, nor think for them (well, let's not exaggerate - they are teenagers after all!), nor take initiatives, nor adapt my original plans to accommodate a changed situation. FREEDOM! to get my drink bottle and go downstairs and go cycling with my daughter! FREEDOM to be afraid of spiders and to let someone else deal with them.

Thank you, Lord, for accompanying us as parents and letting us see our kids grow into fine, young people.

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