
Saturday, October 26, 2013

This is what friends are for!

Since I shared my burnout situation with my prayer partners, I have been receiving words of encouragement from different sources. I don't want to 'lose' these articles - they have all meant something to me, so I'm putting them into my blog so I can read them again - and so you can also be encouraged....

If I had the chance to preach to a crowd of believers only once... this is what I would tell them:

A preacher said that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him". A powerful reminder for those who are tired and regret not having enough time to do the things they want to do or feel called to do... for those who believe they dont have anything to give or feel trapped in the darkest corner.
Finding complete satisfaction in God does not require time or effort, or discipline, or money, or some prescribed attitude or behaviour, or theological knowledge. It does not require going to a church, or small group, or worship concert, or prayer meeting. It does not require giving or doing things for others. It does not require memorizing bible verses or reciting a special prayer.

The ONLY requirement is to BELIEVE that God is SUFFICIENT. That in Him is EVERYTHING I ever REALLY need and the rest is added. That His GRACE forgives me, His LOVE is abundant and His JOY is my strength. NOTHING ELSE!

That everything we do brings glory to Christ is what being a Christian means... and this is how we bring glory to Him. Not so much by doing or giving or being as by RECEIVING what He has given, done and been and getting SATISFIED with it.

Notice how we don't have any protagonism in this supernatural exchange of an old broken life for a new revived one. Is that unsettling? why would it be if you think of the responsability that comes with being the center. EVERYTHING comes from him, exist through him, and ultimately ends in him (check link below). This truth sets us free lifting the burden of needing to try hard... or try at all.

Think about this: If God has abundant blessings and is most generous with his children, wouldn't it be dishonorable not to receive them? It would be inglorious! what would bring most glory to this all-giving God would be to ask for MORE!
Now think about this: If God wants only the best for us and the best that exists is God (and He knows it), wouldn't He give HIMSELF for us as the biggest blessing of all? and wouldn't we find most satisfaction in that which is the best?

My only resolution then is to cry out for God to give me more of God before I say anything else and I'm sure I won't need to say anything after that.

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