
Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I'm off again ...
As the bus winds its way down the hills from where we live, I catch glimpses of snow patches on the highest sections of the French Alps, and I catch my breath as they glitter in the distance.
Another trip; another train to catch. My husband and I take it in turns to travel as we continue our work to the best of our ability.

In the bus my mind plays the vagabond. I love travel for that - time to think, to dream, to analyse, having down-time and leaving the imperative behind while sorting through the details of the necessary. Putting events, organisation and those famous 'lists of things to do' back in place in my mind.

This time I'm preoccupied by our church situation and I write down yet another wish list as the ideas resurface in a clearer brain.

When I get down-time, my creativity pops back up.

I am in awe at the way God is present in a couple of the situations which are suddenly evolving in a positive way.

I dream about starting up a young adults groups because we know quite a few 20-30 year olds who have nothing (more) to do with organized church.

I pray that God will send help for a few odd-jobs that need doing around the house because Pascal simply hasn't the time to manage them.

I regret not having more contact with other mums now that our kids are all in High School - must get those weekly walks back on the agenda. 

I search in my mind how to get my husband to have a real 3-week break by himself so he can rest completely and recharge his batteries. I'd love to see him leave on one of those Catholic pilgrimages !

I think about my 3 teens and hope we've sown enough for them to want to explore faith further - although I suspect that in their minds we are so connected with organised institutional church (BORING!!!)  that they may be turned off. Have we been living the Gospel and not just preaching it? I often don't think we have.
But thinking about them has really cheered me coz they are such great people !!! ;)

And then my thoughts turn to the event I'm heading for and I wonder what's in store for us there also. And because my prayer team has been praying for a time such as this (cf Esther), I'm confident it's going to be a fabulous experience.

I sigh with relief, mind more clear, optimism on the rise. I look out the window and admire this beautiful country I've been sent to. God is in his Heaven and it'll all be OK in the end. Mmm, could go for my mid-morning coffee ....

Travel broadens the mind!

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