
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reading is an adventure

"A novel is a mirror that one takes for a walk along the pathway." Stendhal

"Un roman, c'est un miroir qu'on promène le long du chemin." Stendhal

We are having trouble getting our kids off the TV, easy entertainment diet, and into reading. I have always loved reading and this year joined a Book Club with 4 other women. I read a lot for the ministry, but have to have a diet of novels as well. It's been a lovely experience so far sharing books that have meant something to these women. It's not always easy reading either! Their choices can be quite intellectual and require a high level of Western and Greek Antique culture.

The books I appreciate the most are the ones which use words in original ways and which describe with insightful imagery experiences or feelings or ideas that I have had. I'm quite blown away by some of them! And these moments of empathy illustrate perfectly Stendhal's quote. The novels we get the most out of do reflect something of ourselves and what we have lived or hope to experience. They mirror the way we understand life and the world. They reinforce our connection with each other and with our humanity. Our shared humanity.

I'm grateful for Christian authors who write real novels and write about real faith questions and dilemmas.

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