
Saturday, October 26, 2013

And then there is this thought...

Thanks to SIM Australia's Kookaburra newsletter for Aussie missionaries.

And just for good measure: a photo of the
Zen garden in Holland Park

I have discovered that much of the enemy’s
plan to destroy us has to do with wearing us
The missionary life is not a sprint; it is a
Did you have a tough day? Get some space.
Take a nap. Take a walk. Listen to some
music. Don’t overact to the day. Rather,
respond by the Spirit. Instead of reacting to
the daily fl uctuations of the “spiritual stock
exchange,” choose to be a long-term investor
in the Word of God. If you remain faithful,
your ministry will reap eternal dividends.
The enemy loves to place a large map of
the Sahara Dessert in front of your face
and remind you how diffi cult your journey
is going to be. As you look at the many
challenges set before you, a demon whispers
in your ear, “Even if you make it through
this day, look how far you still have to go. It
is going to take you weeks, months, even
decades to get across this desert and you are
thirsty already. Give up now! Turn around!
Go back to Egypt!” Discouragement is a
powerful weapon.The enemy wants you to
become overwhelmed and to give up the
ground you’ve worked so hard to gain.
Remember the Lord’s words: “Do not worry
about tomorrow...each day has enough
trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34). When
you are weary, don’t think too much or talk
too much. Don’t even glance at the big map
when you’re tired. Set your sites on getting to
the next shelter where you can rest.

~ Dr. Robert S. Miller, Spiritual Survival

Handbook for Cross-Cultural workers

(p. 37)

This is what friends are for!

Since I shared my burnout situation with my prayer partners, I have been receiving words of encouragement from different sources. I don't want to 'lose' these articles - they have all meant something to me, so I'm putting them into my blog so I can read them again - and so you can also be encouraged....

If I had the chance to preach to a crowd of believers only once... this is what I would tell them:

A preacher said that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him". A powerful reminder for those who are tired and regret not having enough time to do the things they want to do or feel called to do... for those who believe they dont have anything to give or feel trapped in the darkest corner.
Finding complete satisfaction in God does not require time or effort, or discipline, or money, or some prescribed attitude or behaviour, or theological knowledge. It does not require going to a church, or small group, or worship concert, or prayer meeting. It does not require giving or doing things for others. It does not require memorizing bible verses or reciting a special prayer.

The ONLY requirement is to BELIEVE that God is SUFFICIENT. That in Him is EVERYTHING I ever REALLY need and the rest is added. That His GRACE forgives me, His LOVE is abundant and His JOY is my strength. NOTHING ELSE!

That everything we do brings glory to Christ is what being a Christian means... and this is how we bring glory to Him. Not so much by doing or giving or being as by RECEIVING what He has given, done and been and getting SATISFIED with it.

Notice how we don't have any protagonism in this supernatural exchange of an old broken life for a new revived one. Is that unsettling? why would it be if you think of the responsability that comes with being the center. EVERYTHING comes from him, exist through him, and ultimately ends in him (check link below). This truth sets us free lifting the burden of needing to try hard... or try at all.

Think about this: If God has abundant blessings and is most generous with his children, wouldn't it be dishonorable not to receive them? It would be inglorious! what would bring most glory to this all-giving God would be to ask for MORE!
Now think about this: If God wants only the best for us and the best that exists is God (and He knows it), wouldn't He give HIMSELF for us as the biggest blessing of all? and wouldn't we find most satisfaction in that which is the best?

My only resolution then is to cry out for God to give me more of God before I say anything else and I'm sure I won't need to say anything after that.

What is real education about?

Another link to listen to:

My French husband, of all people, put me onto to this group and to this speaker. Maybe he was tired of hearing me criticize the French education system, but I now feel more justified given the stature of this speaker and the things he is saying.

I do want to pay tribute to my Aussie collegues. I feel you have been adressing these issues for a number of years, putting into practise a number of educational values and techniques which help our kids to be creative and adaptable members of this fast-changing world.

The Thinker - angel version!

Tatyana, the Ukrainian lady who is very artistic and very evangelical, gave me this angel as a gift after her time in the Ukraine.

Her reason? "This looks like you, thinking hard about what you could be organising for Lamastre ! "(meaning evangelical and outreach activities).

I may not be an angel, but I do think hard about what we could be doing to open up the way for people to hear about the Lord God. Sometimes, I don't even have to think hard - the ideas come as I wake up or go to sleep and I have to write them down as quickly as possible so as not to forget them.

The next stage is the hardest - praying about the ideas and being patient in waiting for the Lord to direct. Then 'selling' the idea in order to build a team, getting it past the Church Council, having their approval and understanding.

The easiest bit is the actual organising.

My latest idea - organising a St Valentine's Day dinner for couples - firstly in our church, then for so many others whom we know. The French Alpha Course organisation has a package we could use. As a Christian Counsellor and pastor's wife, I'm in touch with so many heartbreaking stories of couples breaking up that I have a real burden to organise things that will help couples.

Please pray with me that this idea can come to fruition.

Burnout leads to new discoveries, new understandings

Through F/book I read the following article and want to share it with you because this last year I have been faced with my own fragility and burnout. The author has found such a great way to express her own journey and it rang true for me in a number of ways.

I can't say I'm in the
 academic world in the same way as her, but the exclusion and the subtle (and not so subtle) disapproval of her Christian faith is exactly what we Christians experience in France.
The suffering and trials she refers to have helped her understand God differently and more profoundly. I have the same experience.
The need to be in an environment from time to time which can 'fill up the well' is one of the reasons I love travelling to England or being able to get a dose of Australia and it is why I continue to be part of the Femmes 2000 movement, even if it means travel. (But nothing is in vain, because this article was posted by Lidija, a Croatian theologian I met at the Femmes 2000/Hope for Europe conference in Strasbourg)

My counsellor is helping me to live for the moment and to enjoy the sheer wonder of being in God's presence in the here and now.

Peace and joy be with you.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Take time

After a beautiful, warm, sunny summer, autumn has arrived. And that's beautiful around here as well. So this needlework picture that my Mum and Dad gave me sums it up perfectly. Each day, in the midst of the busyness, I should - NO: I shall! - sit a while and enjoy the beauty.

("I am determined that this will not be just like a New Year's resolution" - repeat 3 times!!!)


I'm off again ...
As the bus winds its way down the hills from where we live, I catch glimpses of snow patches on the highest sections of the French Alps, and I catch my breath as they glitter in the distance.
Another trip; another train to catch. My husband and I take it in turns to travel as we continue our work to the best of our ability.

In the bus my mind plays the vagabond. I love travel for that - time to think, to dream, to analyse, having down-time and leaving the imperative behind while sorting through the details of the necessary. Putting events, organisation and those famous 'lists of things to do' back in place in my mind.

This time I'm preoccupied by our church situation and I write down yet another wish list as the ideas resurface in a clearer brain.

When I get down-time, my creativity pops back up.

I am in awe at the way God is present in a couple of the situations which are suddenly evolving in a positive way.

I dream about starting up a young adults groups because we know quite a few 20-30 year olds who have nothing (more) to do with organized church.

I pray that God will send help for a few odd-jobs that need doing around the house because Pascal simply hasn't the time to manage them.

I regret not having more contact with other mums now that our kids are all in High School - must get those weekly walks back on the agenda. 

I search in my mind how to get my husband to have a real 3-week break by himself so he can rest completely and recharge his batteries. I'd love to see him leave on one of those Catholic pilgrimages !

I think about my 3 teens and hope we've sown enough for them to want to explore faith further - although I suspect that in their minds we are so connected with organised institutional church (BORING!!!)  that they may be turned off. Have we been living the Gospel and not just preaching it? I often don't think we have.
But thinking about them has really cheered me coz they are such great people !!! ;)

And then my thoughts turn to the event I'm heading for and I wonder what's in store for us there also. And because my prayer team has been praying for a time such as this (cf Esther), I'm confident it's going to be a fabulous experience.

I sigh with relief, mind more clear, optimism on the rise. I look out the window and admire this beautiful country I've been sent to. God is in his Heaven and it'll all be OK in the end. Mmm, could go for my mid-morning coffee ....

Travel broadens the mind!