
Friday, October 19, 2012

4th October - first day back at work

My first meeting after my return from Australia was to finish preparing our Combined Women's groups day 6th October.
 "Welcome Eternity in our lives" was the theme chosen for the day.
Ecclesiastes 3:11

My pastor-husband was named 'honorary member of the Women's Group of our Church' and had taken over coordinating the organisation whilst I was away. All I had to do was take over preparing the songs, introduce the speaker, make cakes for morning and afternoon tea and direct the proceedings during the day(!!)

Our symbolic action was to take a stone from the bowl and place it at the foot of the cross to reinforce the commitment we made to God to act on our understanding of how being already part of eternity will affect our way of living out our faith. The stones would then form an altar, a bit like the Israelites did in the Old Testament stories, when they made or renewed an alliance with God.
The painting reminds us that Christ is the light at the centre of all creation and each branch represents a season.

22 women came to this day - a first for our ladies' group. We had stimulating discussions, felt at ease to share, enjoyed a simple meal, time out from busy lives and this special moment when we sang a blessing to each other.

Thank the Lord for a great day!

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