
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Help, I'm drowning!! But it's all for a good cause!

Too many things going on ; too many threads to unravel ; too many things to organise.

You are now reading the blog of the new Vice-President of the Femmes 2000 South-East group and we have an event to plan in October at Avignonfor around 150 women, and another big event planned for June 2012 at Montélimar for 500-700 women.

The World Day of Prayer is beginning March and we have a team organising a range of activities for that. A Catholic lady and I rewrote the celebration to allow the children and teens to participate and in order to prepare their contribution we are holding an afternoon of activities on the preceding Wednesday. It's an exciting time to be working as 3 churches. The aim for the last 2 years has been to reach younger age groups in order to assure the continuity of the event. We are thrilled to see the traditional denominational barriers melting away as we get to know each other and respect the other person's way of serving God.

Look out for the World Day of Prayer near you. Friday 4th March. Celebration written by the women from Chili.

God's Spirit is visibly working and we are really encouraged at the moment. George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilisation, wrote these words in 1972, and it sums up wonderfully what Pascal and I hope to lead our churches towards:
"There are many ways to witness, and though some ways may be better than others, the teaching of Scripture is that we primarily witness through life and through word. Far more than a crusade, a special project, or outreach program, true witnessing is a spontaneous outflowing of the indwelling Christ.

Let's stop clutching our weaknesses, shyness, lack of training, fear, or any other excuse and start believing the God of the impossible who specializes in using weak vessels. There is not a single Christian who cannot become an effective, revolutionary witness for Jesus Christ if he really wants to." pp. 95, 96 Hunger for Reality.
He urges us to take 6 steps to Revolution (ch 8): a revolution in our prayer life; in our Bible study (by actually putting into practice what we read!); a revolution in discipline (not a popular word today!); a revolution of love; of honesty (many Christians are used to self-deception, wearing masks, acting in their own strength); a revolution of witness.

There's nothing new under the sun. But isn't a shame that for each generation we have to repeat the same message!
However, encouraging signs are appearing. Several people remarked recently how much of the teaching in our different groups, and in our church services is on the same theme and reinforcing their understanding. They are putting into practice what they have understood. 

Prayers are being answered and situations improving. People are growing spiritually and sharing what they have learned. People are praying more together. Some have started praying aloud. Family life is more peaceful and people are making better choices. The Gospel is being shared and non-Christians and Christians alike are being challenged to see things differently. Their understanding of God and Jesus is opening up and real grace is discovered.

And yet with all this positive side, more shadowy, evil things are being revealed. Corruption, power-mongering, wrong sexual practices, disdainfulness, incest, suicide, drug-taking, alcohol abuse, isolation and insulation, are all things we have been confronted with in the last 2 weeks, as well as waking up in the middle of the night sensing a malevolent presence.
It's got me riled and we are going to stand up to this. Fighting spirit is fired up!

We know God. We are one in Christ. We are filled with the Holy Spirit. No excuses - we must bring light into this darkness.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Speaking of races ...

It's a bit crazy, but I've decided to ride in a bike race which has 30 odd routes around our region of Ardèche. The race is called the Ardèchoise and is held in mid-June. There have been up to 15,000 participants over 3 days and all the villages on the routes get decked out in colours, decorations, themes, costumes ...

Why am I doing this ? Because I'm turning 50 this June and I need to have a challenge. I figured that a physical challenge would improve my long term health, set me up for the next 10 years, and in the short term help me to work better and to de-stress. (See previous posting!)
Unfortunately for me the shortest circuit that will be available this year is 80 km long and in Ardèche it's not flat!!! However, friends from our church are regular participants in this event and have assured me of their support. They said they would ride with me - but they will have to drop their standards to stay with me! I'm already feeling very inadequate and embarassed but if I want to achieve my goal (of finishing!!!) I have to swallow all pride, drum up extra self-discipline, and get training. "No pain, no gain" as my ballet teachers used to say. Pastor Charles Lazaro, who baptised me in Hamilton, used to say it also, probably talking on spiritual growth at the time.

My dear husband found a second-hand home fitness bike for my Christmas present.

Luc trying out my training equipment
 I have been working up my speed and number of kms per hour, trying for around 4 times/week.
 I cannot do this alone, inspite of it being a personal effort. I need your support and prayers; I need constant encouragement and the company of friends; I need a long-term training programme to be ready in time; I need personal discipline and perseverance; I need the right basic equipment - a suitable bike and comfortable clothing (it's really hard on one's backside!!)

So what better image could I find for "running the good race and finishing in order to win the prize that God has prepared for each of us." This is what Pascal and I have been called to do in our Christian service context. Not only have we benefitted from others' ministries, we are aware of how we can accompany and encourage others to develop their spiritual muscles.

It's all about perseverance, and self-discipline, and courage, and conviction, and understanding the value of this race, and the joy of participating, of finishing,

The sun is shining ...

finally! We have had a lot of grey and fog and no snow since November. I had hoped it would help me get motivated, but I'm still waiting for the adrenalin buzz !!!

How are you all ?
I'm supposed to be finishing the text for the young people's version of the World Day of Prayer (Chili, this year), organising the afternoon activities programme in preparation for the Day ; translating my prayer points into French; ordering some books; reading minutes from our committee meetings in readiness for our AGM on Wednesday; contacting another lady who needs spiritual encouragement ...

Am listening to the sound track of the Chilian ladies singing for the WDP.
Need a coffee ...

Floor needs a vacuum; phoned my son who wanted to come home for the day from his High School since he has no more classes for the day - suggested he go and find out about driving lessons so we can get started on him learning to drive with us ...We can't afford the time to go and get him then take him back to school tomorrow. (He boards during the week).

There is a teachers' strike on Thursday - so have at least one child home then.
Still have to sort out my Christmas decorations to put them away properly - but have left our cards and letters up on the wall because I think of you.

In short, I have a number of things to attend to and no real will to get them done. Yet I know I will be stressed and hard-pressed very shortly if I don't get going !! The fruits of the Spirit I have always struggled most with are self-discipline and patience!

I had a number of studies and articles to prepare in the last 2 weeks; a fair bit of driving; a couple of counselling sessions with people; and I received the good news that our Church Union has recognised my ministry through the local church and in the general French scene. I now am an Associated Christian worker with them. Sometimes after working towards something that really motivates you, you have a slump when you reach your goal. So it's not surprising I feel tired...
Reminds me of : "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy  set before him endured the cross ..." The Bible - book of Hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 and 2

There, I feel better already having written to you and being reminded to fix my eyes on Jesus.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A French prayer to see us through 2011

tu m'offres cette année nouvelle
comme un vitrail à rassembler
avec les trois cent soixante-cinq
morceaux de toutes les couleurs
qui représentent les jours de ma vie.
J'y mettrai le rouge de mon amour
et de mon enthousiasme,
le mauve de mes peines et de mes deuils.
Le vert de mes espoirs et le rose de mes rêves,
le bleu ou le gris de mes engagements ou de mes luttes,
le jaune et l'or de mes moissons....

Je réserverai le blanc pour les jours ordinaires..
et le noir pour ceux où tu me sembleras absent !
Je cimenterai tout par la prière de ma foi
et par ma confiance sereine en toi.
Seigneur, je te demande simplement
d'illuminer de l'intérieur ce vitrail de ma vie,
par la lumière de ta présence
et par le feu de ton Esprit de Vie.

Ainsi, par la transparence,
ceux que je rencontrerai cette année,
y découvriront peut-être
le visage de ton fils bien-aimé

trouvé dans : Expressions de la foi de l'Église universelle,édité par le DEFAP

Confidently stepping out into 2011

IN STEP (used without the permission of the author, but I don't think she'd mind !)
One step at a time
not peering ahead
thinking: "How will I cope with it?
Where will I tread?"

Not looking behind me
unless it's to learn
from things that have happened
then from them to turn.

One step at a time
Only then will I know
His joy and assurance
as with Him I go.

And facing the coming days
peace can be mine
in simple dependence -
one step at a time.

Elspeth Slater 1991
SIM missionary until 2008
Book of poems called "In the Potter's Hands" (contact SIM for info.)