
Monday, November 16, 2015

How do we cope with recent tragic events ?

Australian Christian friends sent the following message of support to us who are ministering in the Lord's name here in France. We are far away from the Parisian epi-centre of these tragic, violent events and physically safe. However, along with the whole population, we are trying to understand why, and what should our Christian reaction be.

These friends expressed some of what I would have liked to have put into words. After their words, you have my reply.

"Bonjour Jennie and family,
Everyone is grieving here.   Turn by turn, the evil one is bent on destroying as many people
as possible....but God is still in control and promised to work all things together for good.   Perhaps
for France it means a return to God.   We pray it will be so.     One young lady from Hobart is still
in hospital with gunshot wounds, and a Melbourne woman escaped by pretending to be dead.
We pray for all who are in a critical condition there.   May the Lord heal them all.
When tragedy hit Job - he knelt and worshipped God.   This must have been a very hard decision
for him to make....but it was the right one.   Your people will need to do the same...with His grace"

You have said exactly what I have been trying to put into words. Our prayer, Pascal's and mine, is that people will fall on their knees and worship God. Many of our parishioners are on a different level of understanding and are talking against the refugees arriving, the North African population from former colonies.... not really questioning the moral position France has maintained since the Revolution ! as well as the militant secularism. So the verse we had at our women's retreat last week was very apt :

2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Thank you for upholding us in France.
Be blessed,


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