
Thursday, April 23, 2015

New Year - New Quotes!

Just when you thought it was safe to read my blog .... I have another set of quotes from the chocolates we received at Christmas time!

Here goes:
"Le passé est un phare, non un port."  Proverbe russe

"The past is a lighthouse, not a port."  Russian proverb. This is a very important distinction to make, especially as we continue on the Vitality Pathway in our churches. One of the tasks the temporary Vitality team will accomplish is looking at the history of the local church in order to discern the key times, positive and negative, of the life of this church. It also helps discern patterns of behaviour and gives an idea of the culture of the church. When brought before the Lord, these things can lead to the necessary changes to become a healthy missional church. (see below also)

"Ne fais rien dans ta vie, qui te fasse redouter que ton voisin en prenne connaissance." Epicure
"Don't do anything in your life about which you would not want your neighbour to find out." Epicure.
Mmmm. How very moral of him. But how very appropriate. This helps justify rules ! Common values to be lived out in society. If you don't adhere to Christian values, this type of morality would do very well to make sure we live together in relative harmony, once those common values and ensuing rules were defined.
But for Christians it is different. "Don't do anything that you would not want God to see ..." is a negative, legalistic version for Christians. Many of us grew up with this approach. But freedom in Christ, being identified with Christ, takes away the legalistic side. "Because Jesus loved me enough to die in my place, I have been saved. I live in grace. My gratitude, and the freedom I have (but did not earn myself!), plus the fact that the Holy Spirit is an intimate part of my life, means that I strive to live out my life based on Kingdom values and in the strength of God, not on my own strength. So I don't want to do anything in my life which contradicts the freedom I have in Christ, nor which is not in line with God's morality (which is perfect)."

"Qu'on me donne six heures pour couper un arbre, j'en passerai quatre à préparer ma hache." Abraham Lincoln.
"If you give me six hours to cut down a tree, I will spend four of those hours preparing my axe."
Such an appropriate quote for the Vitality Pathway ! Our first major workshop 'Veritas', uses the PARABLE OF THE SOWER to explain how we need to prepare the soil in order to gain the best results once the grain is planted. Before making necessary changes, before understanding what God wants from our church given who we are and the context in which we are placed, we need to do a lot of investigating, preparation and, especially, prayer. Good preparation will facilitate (but not necessarily guarantee) success.

"La beauté touche les sens et le beau touche l'âme." Joseph Joubert
"Beauty touches the senses and the beautiful (the lovely, the fine) touches the soul."
The French language can be so beautiful and can express beautiful ideas so beautifully.
Studying, meditating, reflecting on passages of the Bible is such a beautiful exercise and touches the soul.
Contemplating Jesus is so sweet - his beauty touches the soul and invites us to see so much beauty in the world and in others.

"Les plus beaux mots du monde ne sont que des sons inutiles si vous ne pouvez pas les comprendre." Anatole France
"The most beautiful words in the world are just useless sounds if you can't understand them."
Sends me back to all we ever learn about the importance of communication, real communication. Non-violent communication. Although some poets would disagree ...
In the Vitality Pathway we are encouraged to choose 3 ideas after each meeting that we are going to communicate to the wider church community. And we start each session with a word from The Word - which puts everything into perspective and which is nourishment to our soul. Understanding God's Word is vital and revitalizing.

"Une lecture amusante est aussi utile à la santé que l'exercice du corps". Emmanuel Kant

"An enteraining read is as useful to our health as exercising our bodies." 
Healthy mind, healthy body !
We are what we read ???
We are what we eat, apparently. 

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