"Les enfants n'ont ni passé ni avenir et, ce qui ne nous arrive guère, ils jouissent du présent." Jean de La Bruyère
"Children have neither past nor future and, something which rarely happens for us, they really enjoy the present."
One of the big lessons from our Personal Development sections of Christian Counselling was learning to live in the present and not only to survive the present, but to make the most of every second! And in spiritual development we talk about accepting the moment and allowing the presence of God to permeate every moment. So it is also a question of confidence and trust in an Almighty God. It's also a question of understanding what liberty is for us. And children are so free to live for the moment !
And yet, our young people do grow up and have to move into the adult world. Last Sunday we had a send off for ours and the whole service was in their favour. They are such great people - we shared our faith the best way we could, and we released them into the wider world to discover other ways of living and developing their faith. May they let themselves be surprised and amazed by our God.
We pray for our young people. Note how small our community is still. |