
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's already the end of September!

Well our school year certainly started with a bang! The kids settled into their schools very quickly and are well on the way to a successful school year - thank God. Claire started High School this year and we were amazed at how suddenly she changed over summer to become a young lady.

Our two boys are going to have to decide during this year what they want to go on to. Luc will have finished his Bac Pro cursus - giving him a professional qualification with which he could find work in a garage (car mechanic). However, with the results he has he should go onto further studies. He's rather keen on spending a year in Australia. What do you know about the Gap year system .? Could he get into it as an individual ?

Marc has to decide on his senior high school programme - a general baccalauréat and in which branch: Literary (Humanities), Social Sciences, or Science or a professional baccalauréat which is like a Tech school qualification. He's more Science/maths than humanities. He's rather interested in the Army! Help! Not sure we like the idea.
So life goes on, but we are confronted by choices needing reflection and guidance. We are not in control of our lives, no matter how much we think we are. But when we are linked in with our all-powerful and mighty God, we can take steps of faith based on the information we have at hand.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Catholic schools in France

You may think that I'm getting very chummy with the Catholic Church in France because I write about what is happening in its circles and I mention a number of activities our church is involved in which are run by our 3 churches : Evangelical, Reformed and Catholic.

In fact, I read from a number of sources so I am getting info about what's happening.

From my earliest days in France, at Bible College, I was aware of the enormous Catholic Culture that underpins so much of what happens in France. I was also amazed at how much Protestants and Evangelicals were a minority and even considered as religious sects.

However, I have always been convinced that the LORD could and would renew the Catholic Church from the inside and this would bring about REVIVAL and CONVERSIONS. Working through the Catholic Church would have much wider ramifications than through our small evangelical churches. (I'm talking about the Holy Spirit - not me! I'm well and truly committed to Evangelical Churches!)

We are seeing steady growth within the charismatic and pentecostal churches now and they are being targetted by the media searching for scandal in order to sully their reputation.

I came across an article on the Catholic School system which confirms my thoughts on reaching people for God through Catholicism. "Le défi de l'enseignement catho. Oser une parole de foi." (the magazine La Vie, 24th Sept. 2009) "The major challenge that the Catholic Church faces is to survive the breakaway period of the 1970s and 80s and to find ways in which the youth of today can reconnect with their spiritual heritage."
Since 2005 the bishops have been re-working the basic principles of the Catholic School system to re-affirm their foundations in the Christian faith. Measures include explicitly announcing the Gospel in the schools' religious education classes and including a Christian perspective on every day events in the school day, and teaching Christian culture as a living culture (not just as heritage).

Do you know the Biblical passage where Paul writes to the Corinthians assuring them that it's not important who they ally themselves with (Apollos, Cephas, Paul ...). What is vital is that the Gospel of Jesus-Christ is announced. 1 Corinthians 1:11-17 and 1 Corinthians Chapter 3.  There is evidence of that happening in the Catholic Church - on a national and on a local level. Be thankful that our All-powerful God can reach whomever He wants, and let's pray that more and more people want to hear Him !