Well our school year certainly started with a bang! The kids settled into their schools very quickly and are well on the way to a successful school year - thank God. Claire started High School this year and we were amazed at how suddenly she changed over summer to become a young lady.
Our two boys are going to have to decide during this year what they want to go on to. Luc will have finished his Bac Pro cursus - giving him a professional qualification with which he could find work in a garage (car mechanic). However, with the results he has he should go onto further studies. He's rather keen on spending a year in Australia. What do you know about the Gap year system .? Could he get into it as an individual ?
Marc has to decide on his senior high school programme - a general baccalauréat and in which branch: Literary (Humanities), Social Sciences, or Science or a professional baccalauréat which is like a Tech school qualification. He's more Science/maths than humanities. He's rather interested in the Army! Help! Not sure we like the idea.
So life goes on, but we are confronted by choices needing reflection and guidance. We are not in control of our lives, no matter how much we think we are. But when we are linked in with our all-powerful and mighty God, we can take steps of faith based on the information we have at hand.